Beer !! The only word to describe Arthur's Day. In the memorial of Arthur Guiness (1725 – 23 January 1803) , a brewer who found the Guiness brewery business, Arthur's Day is the day where beer session and music event with international singer performance is organized. However, some of us do not familiar with this event.
Arthur's Day refers to a series of music events which were first organized in 2009 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the
Guinness brewing company by its owner
Diageo plc, using
Freud Communications as
public relations co-ordinators." [Wiki]

On that particular day, i was invited by the event organizer as VIP for the event, to be precisely, to my company. We have 10 VIP tickets on hand where the tickets will be distributed to whom interested on it, i definitely will get one of the tickets as i'm the one who consigned the LCD for them to support the event. But in condition, i'm the one who responsible to collect the LCD back in the end of the event.
Everyone seems excited, leaving the office as soon as the Hari Raya Dinner organized by my company. The event started at 8pm. As everyone left the company, i have to stay until 8.30pm because there are jobs to be done. Well, having no choice, i have to go alone and only meet up with them upon arriving. Once i reached, i gave a call to my colleague; he didn't answer, i sms-ed him; no reply too. Ride on to the worst, it was raining on that night, leaving me with a group of strangers under a hut while having a cup of lonely smooth malt drink.

Finally, the rain stopped, i'm able to snap some photos on the event, and some happening moment on that day.
Picture taken inside of the Sunway Lagoon.
The platform i found once i reached to the destination.
Event is already start
No idea what band is this.
Sei Fei Zai Sean Kingston
Sei Fei Zai Sean Kingston threw his sweaty towel to the audience, I wouldn't grab even he gave me one.
Overall view of the concert
New York Lounge
Tokyo Lounge
Dublin LoungeSome Hot Chicks i manage to captured with SONY compact WX1:

In the middle of the event, some light air balloon was released to the audience as add-on to the event. However. . .
Audiences were so busy with the balls and neglected the stage performance. Attention was distracted by the balls.Around 11pm, A big guy approach the stage with his gang and sang his famous song.
Eh, who was that?
Yep, that's Flo Rida~
"Low low low low.." the only song i know.The event was ended with some blasting of fire cracker, which it doesn't impressed me as i saw too many of fire cracker during Chinese festival, and more close-up than this 10 times.

I thought i could leave the event on time, but unfortunately, i stayed until 2.30am just to collect to LCD i consigned to the event organizer, reach home at 3.30am, slept at 4am. It's not cool to having fun alone in the crowd, but it surely a nice experience to had lonely beer alone with such astonishing performance. Total beer taken: 4 cups of 120ml.