Monday, May 24, 2010

My personal signature

After several trials and errors, i finally came out with this personal signature, and you guys may wondering what the signature means.

So, here are the some explanations for the signature created:

1. The "SUE" is my name, and the "z" represents the last name in mandarin. Well, it seems weird when i used "z" instead of "c" ( - which pronounce as cheng), but it's even weird if i used "SUEc" instead of "SUEz".

2. The word "アート", which pronounce as "ato" is basically means art in japanese. It's rather unique and works well in the signature.

3. Unlike common signature, my signature did not include the word "photography" and "studio". The reason? Most of my masterpiece is based on editing and I'm not really into photography because i do not own a DSLR. My compact just doesn't make me orgasm.

4. The little star in the signature does not hold any meaning, but if i insist to place a meaning on it, i could say "my name is Seng, well, the star can represents my name as well."

5. Most of the signature looks simple and plain in color (normally white color), but after several attempts on putting my signature into plain color, it's dead. Alright, i knew it. Therefore, i decide to maintain the color in the signature.

6. This signature works well in both photo-taking and photo-editing session.

7. Taking this opportunity, i would like to express my gratitude to Kenddy Wong, for helping me to design the layout of this signature. From the signature, there's a "representation" for him, which is denoted by the alphabet "C" in the 'creative'. The "C" represents his last name "Chee".

He is gifted in this kind of stuff. Salute him. He's getting a part of the signature !!! It's great.

This signature cant be done without his help.

Let's take a look on the samples the signature I included (in both photography and editing) :

Well, i made a suggestion to Kenddy to create another signature for himself, where both of his signature and mine could be clustered into one when we have special project for ourselves.

Before i came out with this signature, there are few prototypes have been made. However, after receiving comments from friends, i have to modify the original signature. Hereby, i would like to thank for the comments given by you all.

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