Monday, May 25, 2009

miracle of Sky

Every bodies dislike hot and sunny day. The reason? Just simply because it makes your body sweat, smelly and feeling not comfortable all day long. But, is there any interesting stuff you can get on this hot sunny day, while you no need to step out from your house?? Let's see....How about take shower for the whole day?? Or sleep in the air-conded room?? Geeez, that’s kinda awful to me…

Say, I’m going to share something interesting with you guys today while, you can do it on your own when you are free and have no money to spend around. It’s totally FOC ( free of charge) and you’re going to have some grateful feeling as to see how miracle it is when the Sun meets the Earth.

This is the snapshot of the sky of time interval from 11am to 7pm above my apartment. Since my room is not able to see sun rise, so I’m not going to post the picture of it, but, from my room, you’ll see sunset!! yay ^^Y

Snap shot at 11.06am. The sky is so clear and there's just a few of cloud floating around.

6.45pm: Dark cloud's approaching, thought it's gonna rain soon.

6.55pm: Sky start to getting darker..but the sun beam shines bright through the!

7.00pm: The real sun set begins! that's pretty awesome except the retarded building block my view..babi betul.

7.08pm: The appearance of the dragon cloud! can you guys imagine it?

7.27pm: The sun light is so strong to keep the sky from turning dark.

7.40pm: The last shot of the day, there's still a glance of orangish light from the sun.

Well, although the day was hot, the magnificent of the God's creation soothes the feeling when the time i took this picture. It sounds kinda bored, but i enjoy the moment of the nice sunset. Oh, but there is one thing is real good about that day, it was windy and it's a very nice to feel those wind when it blows my face ^^ syok!


  1. yea..but unfortunate, it's block by the building..i think can go upstair to have a better view. ^^
